Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
ditto...if it comes 2 canada, i'm there. hell, next time i'm in pk, i won't leave without watching ATLEAST 5 movies in the cinema as long as they're wholesome! lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
wicked! the minute a pakistani movie raids a movie theatre in toronto, i'll be the first in line. lol. especially if saima's in it and sayed noor's directing(larki punjaban)!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
aaahh thats better! lol.
lollywood film songs?! yaar u can go 2 but there's only 5-6 movies that they have. actually all sights have only 5-6 movie songs. u can also go 2! hope that helps...
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
thanks everyone and especially mr. death!
thanks jani420 (my humaira arshad buddy!) for clearing up my username question for mr. death! i thought it was obvious, but i guess i was wrong. everyone's been asking lately. lol.
and lastly queen victoria jee, mein lollywood forum mein ziyada hota houn! thats why we haven't talked! but its nice 2 meet u jinaab!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. yaar mr. death i'm not fighting. u and i were discissing casually and then this guy makes a baseless inane comment and asks for an argument. i have an obligation 2 tell it like it is!
u live in india right mr. death? any sign of bally sagoo/nusrat fateh ali khan's album 'magic touch 2'?? just curious....
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
our musicians are ostracized??? get real son. they're idolized.
secondly, no doubt our musicians come 2 india 4 many reasons - the main one being, they are ASKED 2 COME (and give a taste of some REAL music to your musically deprived country). bottom line: they come to india as PAKISTANI's and with the exception of one (adnan sami) they (happily) LEAVE AS PAKISTANIS.
as 4 the atmosphere not being conducive in pk, u've CLEARLY misinterpreted what junoon allegedly said. ofcourse u'll have naysayers who will hastle entertainers and magnify their mistakes/flaws 4 whatever reason. they exist in EVERY field in EVERY country - india included. if this is what being ostracized means, then yeah...musicians in pk and the world over are ostracized big time. the ones in pk get it twice as much tho, cause we're expected to produce top quality - and we damn sure get it.
as 4 money, glamour, recognition and even broads...its ALL in pakistan's music industry son. again, our artists go 2 india cause they're asked and it gives them a chance 2 make some xtra coin. not 2 get these things mentioned above.
you're just jealous u're country doesn't have a band or a singer worthy of even tuning up a pakistani musician's guitars or tablas - hence your retarded comments.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
whatever u say assclown (vikram). india has no music bandwaggon, retard. pakistan owns that industry. as 4 pooja bhatt - she asked junoon cause she OBVIOUSLY has good taste in music. why settle for kraft dinners (anu malik etc.) when u can have steak and potatoes (junoon)?
mr. death, hadiqa kiyani is a pakistani singer. she was the voice behind 'boohay baariyan.' kick-ass song, wouldn't u agree?! and u're right yaar...she looks good 2!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
first things first thank you (1000 posts)!
yaar...i'm not doubting adnan sami's album. but u also have 2 understand, his album has been out for a while now (1 year i think). junoon's album has only been out for one month. when their album is as old as adnan sami's is right now, they'll surely equal his sales. and besides, adnan sami is also originally pakistani! so either way we shine when it comes 2 music, i'm sure u would agree.
which brings me 2 my next point...pooja bhaat's father. i admire him for promoting peace. don't u agree with him?? he seems like a smart man. he knows we know how 2 create magic when it comes 2 music and u guys make magic when it comes 2 movies. so why not collaborate and promote peace between india/pakistan even if its in this minor way?! sounds good 2 me.
as 4 aaroh, no its not a junoon album. aaroh is actually a different band altogether! why'd u ask?!